Friday, November 12, 2010


I'm tumbling fast down the cool slide.

My two favourite places to hang out in are Kamdar and Ace Hardware. Textiles and paint. Life is complete. 

Bye bye bars, restos and cafes....kissing your snooty hoochies bye bye.

Last night I stayed up late (well, 15 minutes beyond designated 10.30pm bedtime) to watch You Tube videos on: How To Paint On Laminate.


Not about how sad that sounds. But O.M.G! Laminate can be painted??

Yup, treat it like any wooden furniture that has been painted/stained. Sandpaper or paint strip it, prime it and paint paint paint!

The flat is now hunting ground for potential victims. I've already identified 8 pieces (laminated and wood-stained) to be repainted/restaind, including my massive bed frame. Poor little maid-en...she's plenty busy! Gotta work for her super expensive plane ticket home to the Philo this month.

While on a roll, lightning did strike (dementia or genius?) - I shall paint my bedroom walls....


Woot woot!

1 comment:

Rarebeet said...

Mmm salmon pink. Yum! Poached with cool cucumber salad. Mmmm.

I miss my pink womb room