Monday, August 30, 2004

Migraine Munchies

You know I am beginning to suspect that my subsconscious is allergic to work. See on Friday I woke to a piercing migraine. The kind where you suffer from diamond vision. I call it that because one eye sees normal whilst the other one is so blurred that it's as if you were peering into a brilliantly cut solitaire, light and angles bouncing off everywhere.

This morning the diamond vision was in the form of a crescent (my ode to the Merdeka celebrations perhaps?) followed by someone(thing?) hard at work on my temples and back of the neck, chiselling and chipping away.

Today, however, I thought I'd show my face at work. Another MC and them people down at the office would think I'd shipped off to the beach for a long weekend.

Now, I never suffer from migraines, or rather hardly ever. The last one I remember was over two years ago when my father stressed me out so much over the wording of the wedding invitation cards that diamond vision had progressed onto both eyes and I was glad the conversation was over because I was barely able to speak.

Anyway, induced by stress or not, I've discovered that feeding the migraine makes it go away! Yes, on Friday I fed it avocado toast and this morning, it had a tuna sandwich and hey presto!

How to diet like this?

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