Thursday, August 26, 2004

At Bloggerheads

It's hard to believe that a month ago, I had no idea what a blog was.

My, my have times changed! Do you know that I spent the whole of last Friday doing nothing but roaming one blog? One. And it wasn't even mine. I'm not sure if it's cos I'm so starved of 'life out there' that I just lapped up everything that appeared on my screen, page after page, or whether I'm just downright nosy.

Anyway, I have a thing to say about bloggers. The blog that literally consumed me (mind the pun) that Friday was posted by a fairly well known local writer whom I've met but never greeted, if you know what I mean.

Veering off on a tangent: you know, KL is so funny; it's a village and social circles are subsets of each other. Yet we (yes, including me), still find the effort and time to meet people, be really nice and friendly, and on occassion have full blown conversations, only to never say hi again. How many times have you met someone again and again only to pretend that you've never met them before? My excuse is why bother because they would never have remembered me anyway, but is that was it is? An excuse? Anyway, my digressions are beginning to sound like a Virginia Woolf monologue and is feed for another post.

Back to Dear Blogger who toys with our curiosity with hints of her love life. There is mention of The Husband but there appears to be little evidence of one in her daily entries. On occassion, she goes on about heartache and break up. Anyway, it's all very confusing and though I am curious, I read her blog for her insightful and often hilarious entries and not for gossip fodder.

Then one day, Dear Blogger tells of how a fan rang her up in the office asking about her marital status. And of course, Dear Blogger got very upset at this outright infringement of her privacy.

Whilst I do understand and agree with Dear Blogger, I can't help but ask, what did you expect? You want people to read your blog - you are a writer after all and you write to share and invoke. You stir thoughts, you provoke emotions and in the midst of all this, you don't expect curiosity to get the better of your readers?

It's back to the whole celebrity privacy issue isn't it? I mean, you literally share your daily life and innermost feelings with teh world wide web and not expect some sort of response? Whether someone questions your opinions or your marital status, online or on the phone, where do you draw the line?

It's lovely to receive feedback, believe me, because I've never received any. But where do you draw the line? No questions about love life. But the again, that's what makes the bulk of many blog entries.

Where do you draw the line between private and not so private, when most blogs are just about that? Private stuff.

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