I have a dirty little secret to share.
Apart from occasionally bingeing on mayonnaise and fried onion sandwiches, I am also a Spider Solitaire addict.
Yes, my name is Candice and I am a Spider Solitaire addict.
And I mean addict to the core. As in, people at the office think I am working, but I am not. The frown on my face is from the stress of the Big Fat King sitting on top of my Ace. I may have stories that were due in yesterday but my palms are sweating from not having the will to close the fucking window!
I play Spider Solitaire at least 10 times a day and since progressing to the most difficult level of 4 decks, I have yet to win anything in a while. And the more I don't win, the harder it is to tear myself away. I am at it like a cow to grass, just feeding off the screen, in the same position day in and late into the night (cause of my insomnia). Alsways buying time - 5 minutes more, when the minute hand reaches 45 or when I win next...
If someone msn-s me in the middle of a game, I feign too much work to chat. Or if the phone rings, I ignore it. I get ratty of I don't have my daily ration. I just want to be left alone in my own Solitaire Confinement.
It's a horrible horrible little addiction. I am ashamed for its not even an intelligent game.
Once upon time, before I was a Spider Solitare addict, I was a Mahjong Quest addict. But then I couldn't enjoy the addiction because I kept worrying that the ITS department would discover that I had illegally downloaded the game, so I switched to something legal - hence my current situation.
At the rate I am going, I will soon have to invest in glasses. Do you know that when I'm involved in a boring conversation with someone but am too polite to turn away, I often subconsiously engage in a game of Spider Solitaire over their faces. They think my glazed look is one of awe and interest, but actually, I am dragging and pasting all over their eyes, nose and mouth.
Am I a weirdo all by myself or do we all have dirty little LOSER secrets?
I'm still waiting for the invitation to the party in your head.
I play O2Jam. You have no idea how lame it is. And it's not as easy as you think it is. I was a Maplestory and pool game(on Yahoo) addict too. ; )
I'm a weirdo yes but I ain't no loser!
I love my little quirks.
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