Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Flood Waters

I am sorry to say that I am taking a break from this blog. Many things are happening in my life right now that require my serious attention and focus, many of which dig into the very core of my personal life. There are many issues and experiences to blog about but sadly, it's something I am only willing to share anonymously. So, as you know who I am in 'real' life, know what I do, what I like to eat and where I climb, until all these issues are resolved and life takes on its rose-tinted, light-heartedness once again, I bid you adieu.

This blog has helped tremendously along my journey and I've tried hard here to be truthful and honest. I won't be serving it any justice by blogging about trivia that does not touch on what I am feeling at the moment. And in case that sounded like I'm having a major meltdown, I'm not. I'm feeling what everyone in their thirties feels, only my life has spun itself into more complications than the regular.

If you notice, this is not the first time on this blog that I have taken a hiatus. It just needs to be done every now and then. Time now, to move on to another subject - to lie low until the flood waters recede (sorry, I have to make some reference to the sad situation down south). Perhaps its time to revive the old food blog.

Thank you for stopping by and for all your thoughtful comments. I am grateful for the interest and the sharing.


starlight said...

Thank you for all the sharing. Will miss you.

Unknown said...

Will definitely miss you. My email address is Hope to hear from you soon. Would love to meet and have that chat.

Lyrical Lemongrass said...

I just discovered your food blog and let's just say that I was hooked. I hope you'll revive it soon! If not, well..the world will be deprived of yet another good writer, but nevertheless, all the best to ya!

wmw said...

Time sure flies. Maybe one day when I come in and take a look here, you are already back! Take care!