Friday, November 17, 2006

School's Out!

Today is the last day my son will spend in his nursery school. It's the closing of a chapter for him and come January he will begin a new one as he steps beyond the gates of a big new school with red uniforms.

He skips happily to his classroom and it is me who feels the sadness creep up. As I walk down the long open hallways, pass the mini toilets and gaily-coloured pictures of friendly lions, I wonder if he knows that life for him is about to take one of its many twists and turns - you know, those inevitable ones that change everything as you know it to be.

I am the one sending out notes to the Mums, desperately willing for them to call me lest our children lose touch. When I think back to my primary school days and recall my best friends then, all I can see are blurred images with form but no features. Sadly, they are the ones that I've not kept in touch with since school broke out.

The older I get and as time winds its course around, the childish quality of detachment gets slowly eroded away and I find myself increasingly reaching out and grasping whatever I can to just try and slow it down. Permanence is always elusive, forever out of reach.


Unknown said...

I know what you daughter is going to start Primary One next year. The alarm bells has gone off inside my head and they haven't stopped. Incessant worrying about how our children will adjust to new their surroundings, new friends, leaving behind their old ones, etc. And they had to sing Aulg Lang Syne at their kindy graduation. Of course, kids started crying on stage. Major Kleenex time! Luckily some of my daughter's friends would be going to the same Primary School, but not all. Life is impermanence. Which is why we should cherish what we have when we have it. Otherwise, being the true humans that we are, if things were permanent - we'd take it all for granted. Sigh.

starlight said...

if things were permanent we'd take it all for granted - so true cleo-jean.

change is the beauty of life. it helps us blossom. but you know that already. now you just have to embrace it the way ZW will when he wears that red uniform.

Rafleesia said...

I do believe that you have to embrace change - the way my life has been going the last few years, I've had no choice. I've discovered that the more you fight or resist it, the harder you are making things for yourself. It's a surrender of trust to higher forces at work - whatever they may be and it's scary, thrilling and bittersweet at the same time. A bit like white water rafting I reckon...