Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The Fuddits

I know food is a recurring theme in my blog. I just can't seem to stay off the subject. I can rattle on about it till the cows come home and it's time for dinner.

Anyway, The Hubbit and I are on a mission to lose the flab. And after years of not working out and having a baby, I have stores of it. The Hubbit has launched himself on a full-fledged Fit For Life regime that causes him to lug a suitcase of food to work every morning - a result of having to eat six meals a day, each featuring exact portions of carbs, fibre and protein. MIL saw her son carting off all that food and assumed he was bringing it to feed the office, until I told her it was for him.

I, on the other hand, am on a modified Atkins because though I have sworn off my favourites (any gravy-soaked or deep fried carbo), I still insist on my freshly squeezed fruit juice each morning to help the ahem, bowels moving.

So far it's been good. Admittedly, only two days but it's been good. In fact, I think it has brought The Hubbitt and I closer. On Sunday evening, we insulted each other's cooking over the stove (yes, he even cooked his own bolognese!) whilst our son did a poo poo in the garden. This morning, we even discussed the nature of down dogs, he having attended a yoga class the night before.

Mornings are now a flurry in the kitchen as the maid struggles to prioritise the orders we bark at her.

"Seni, potong itu sayur macam kotak-kotak".

"Seni, mana itu Zhiwei punya air sekolah?"

"Apa? Itu air untuk mee pasta belum letak api ah??"

In all that commotion, salads are dressed, sandwiches are stuffed and lunchboxes are packed, miraculously in order, and we hop into Car-ageous and the Gans are off.

Seni must breathe a big sigh of relief when we do finally zoom off (usually late). Then she only has three hours before MIL comes over, bringing back the little Bubbit monster and the kitchen orders begin all over again.

1 comment:

Rafleesia said...

Funny lah you sis. I guess food rules our lives man! You're right about Atkins though - I do 'feel' somehiw that my blood pressure has gone up and the cholesterol level just soaring. And by the ewya, the Atkins guy - err...Mr Atkins(?) didn't die from heart stuff...he died from non-Atkins realted stuff la.