Monday, September 20, 2004

It Errts!

Last Friday, The Hubbit and I spent our hot date sweating our guts out at the Body Pump class in the gym. It was steamy alright. With twenty (or more) of us packed into a tiny studio together with our weights, we were jumping about, groaning, grunting, dripping and just plain stinking before we even got to the abdominals. Pity those who went in after us!

What I am really getting at is that yes, I got through my first bit of exercise in almost a year. And yes, I feel pretty good about myself, because I also did a yoga class on Sunday. But what I really feel, more than anything else, is simply PAIN! There isn't a single part of my body that does not hurt. Well, maybe except for parts that don't have any muscle. Like the tip of my nose.

And my triceps! Gawd! I feel like they have been ripped out and sacrificed to a pack of wild dogs. To give you an example I had to lie down to tie my hair yesterday and it took me a good few seconds to actually get the car door shut from the inside. That is, after the few minutes I took to get in, cos Safri the Body Pump master was very into his squats and lunges.

So no pain, no gain right? I am going to be VERY good this week, because I am going to look VERY good by Christmas and refuse to look like I am expecting the next one when I am not! Incidentally, those of you who think you are being tactful or nice by saying that I am not fat, but 'Big Boned', well you are not. How would you like it if someone said you had a big nose or a big mouth? Bone, nose, mouth, all the same.

I am attending another yoga class today - this time Ashtanga and I am looking forward to hanging upside down for a while and breathing like Darth Vadar. Its really very calming.

And I will try hard not to think of whats for dinner when I am doing it.

Will try very hard. Till tommorrow then!

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